Cover image for post eZ Components workshop in Dortmund - Germany

eZ Components workshop in Dortmund - Germany

As Derick already wrote, we release the first RC of our new product eZ components yesterday. Beside the unification of the API, we enhanced several components with additional features and refactored smaller parts here and there since Beta2. I feel highly satisfied about how our work evolved in the past 6 month.


Now it's time to get you finally involved. Therefore, I will give a 2 day workshop on the eZ components on March 6th-7th (6 hrs per day) in our office in Dortmund. The training will give you an overview on the architecture of the eZ components and will dig into most of the exciting components in depth by showing practical examples. You will see how you can perform everyday development tasks very efficient and will learn how to use the neat interface we thought out.

Topics covered of this workshop will be (among others):

  • Database abstraction

  • Caching

  • Image manipulation

  • File handling

  • Email

and much more...

I can highly recommend this workshop to everyone involved with PHP based development to get an overview on what we did in the past half year and to see how your development can benefit from this. After the workshop you will be able to directly enter highly efficient development using the eZ components.

For more information refer to our announcement of the workshop