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PHP Conference 2004 Spring Edtion - Planning

So, folks, I'm sad to tell you, that none of my proposals for the International PHP Conference 2004 Spring Edtion has been accepted, beside the PEAR power session, which leads me to going there from 3. to 5. May this year and talking about "PEAR - Not just a fleshy poem. A deep introduction into PEAR and it's usage.".

Initially planned was to do this with 2 other PEAR guys (Lukas and Stefan N.) together, but this was rejected. Since Lukas has another session on his own, he will be there and talk with me 6 hours about PEAR in detail. Stefan attends the conference as the owner of the PEAR booth this year (btw. if someone wants to go or stay a bit cheaper in Amsterdam, feel free to contact Stefan who needs to pay journey and stay on his own!). Stefan will attend the session as a guest and is available for questions on his packages.

The power session will give an overview on PEAR as an OpenSource project and it's processes and interfaces. We will go in detail on the usage of PEAR institutions, such as the PEAR installer (command line and web interface), go-pear, the manual, coding standards and mailinglists. We although plan to go in detail for several packages and show their usage on own systems and webhoster systems, where you do not have access to the installation of pear packages.