This blog post has first been published in the Qafoo blog and is duplicated here since I wrote it or participated in writing it.
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IPC 2010 recap

The International PHP Conference 2010, the 10th instance of this yearly PHP family meeting, ended yesterday. It was an amazing event again and we had many nice discussions. Beside that, all three Qafoo members presented talks on various topics, for which we now uploaded the slides to our talks page. Find below a short review about our sessions. If you attended any of them, please do not forget to give us some feedback via!

If you need help with Zeta Components or are in demand for new features, do not hesistate to contact us.

Kore and me presented the Apache Zeta Document component and its facilities to convert between various markup formats and to e.g. PDF. The audience was pretty interested and we had some nice discussions. Especially the Tweet by @t3rob made me happy and we are looking forward to cooperating with Robert in this area:

In this session we talked about a bunch of test scenarios, where we reached the limits of PHPUnit. We were amazed that the whole audience already used PHPUnit, so we could really start with some advanced stuff. Furthermore, more than half of the attendees indicated that they do continuous integration. Cool! :)

As a start we presented a typical unit testing problem: How to deal with file system access. The presented vfsStream solution for mocking away the file system through PHPs stream API seemed well accepted. The second example came from the Zeta Graph component, where we have still not optimally fixed issues with comparing generated images. Finally, we presented the Zeta Webdav acceptance test suites.

I'm sure there are still enough people out there who did not realize yet that eZ Components are dead and Apache Zeta Components are the future. Transporting this message was the purpose of this talk. Sadly, it was not very crowded, but on the other hand, I think we managed to fascinate people. In addition, we had some interesting discussions about the ASF and their processes. The talk was overall fun.

Finally, Kore presented the state of Arbit, a small insight into its marvelous modular software design and the future plans. This talk was sufficiently crowded and also triggered some interesting discussions. I had the feeling that people finally realize that Arbit is on the way to becoming a great thing. I hope we will get some new contributors and maybe some company wants to sponsor Arbit development in the future.

After the main conference, each of us held a half day workshop with one of our friends from Kore talked together with Stefan about Beautiful models and they dissected the Model-View-Controller pattern. I really liked the session, especially because it was also inspiring for myself and lead to really interesting discussions during the breaks. Manuel and Sebastian joined forces for Hand in Hand: Dynamic and Static Testing. I did not personally attend the session, but Manuel was quite satisfied and the talk was fully packed. Arne and me wanted to talk about XML with PHP, the hidden gems which seems to be not that attractive anymore. But even with only three attendees we had a really great time and could solve individual problems. All three workshops went without slides, so there are none on our talks page.

Overall, I liked this years IPC quite much and we are already looking forward to IPC Spring next year in May in Berlin. Thanks a lot to all attendees and the orga!