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PHP BBQ Tour 2009 - Dortmund

On Friday, June 19th 2009, the PHP Barbecue Tour 2009 will visit Dortmund. From the PHP BBQ Tour website:

PHP BBQ tour is one week tour from Monday, 15.06 - Sunday, 21.06.2009 visiting the German PHP user groups. The tour is an offering and a suggestion to the user group to come together for a barbecue instead of meeting in conference rooms in the middle of the summer, when the days are long. Everybody is invited to join the tour and to visit the PHP user group in his neighbor town.

The stop-off in Dortmund is organized by the PHP Usergroup Dortmund and the student body of the computer science faculty of the TU Dortmund.

We will meet in front of the computer science building of the TU Dortmund (Dortmund University of Technology). Meeting is possible from around 17:00. The plan is to have a first talk around 18:00. After that, we'll put lots of dead animals onto the grill and enjoy some drinks. A second talk will possibly be held later this evening and, if interest is there, a third one. The agenda will be published next week.

If you want to join the PHP BBQ Tour stop-off in Dortmund, don't hesitate to come around. It is free of charge and every PHP enthusiast is invited to come!

Remember to bring your own food and drinks! We have a grill available, but no possibility to buy meat and drinks for everyone.

Fact overview:


PHP BBQ Tour 2009 - Dortmund stop-off

  • Meet other PHP enthusiasts

  • Get dead animals from the grill

  • Enjoy drinks

  • Listen to interesting talks


2009-06-19, 17:00 - open end


CS building TU Dortmund
Otto-Hahn-Str. 14
44227 Dortmund


  • Every PHP enthusiast

  • Special community guests

  • PHP Usergroup Dortmund

  • Computer science students


Hey, do we need a reason?


Free. Just remember to bring your own food and drinks!

Thanks a lot to the student body of the faculty computer sience of the TU Dortmund, for making this event possible by providing the presentation room, the grill and more.

Looking forward to it!