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Going to Amsterdam

I recently got notified to be speaker at the International PHP Conference in Amsterdam this year. I'll have a powerworkshop ("XML and Web services with PHP5 and PEAR", in cooperation with Stephan Schmidt) this year and a normal session (PEAR and PHP5). See the abstracts below:

  1. XML and Web services with PHP5 and PEAR: With PHP5, PHP has made huge steps towards XML and web services support, and now PEAR is already following. This session will show you how easy it could be to work with XML data that uses PHP5 extensions and PEAR packages and that can be used in conjunction with or parallel to these new possibilities. After dealing with XML in general, we’ll move on to PHP5’s new SOAP extension and show how SOAP-clients can be improved using the example of Services_Google. Then we’ll continue with web service packages in PEAR that communicate with non-standard web services like, eBay and Amazon. At the end we’ll show you how PEAR has changed with the advent of PHP5 and how PHP5 affects the future of PEAR. PHP5 and PEAR already are XML-ready, after attending this session you’ll be, too.

  2. PEAR and PHP5: PHP5 has been released stable for a while and most PHP related projects have started a migration phase. This session will give you a little introduction into the PEAR project and how to benefit from it. The focus of this session is to show what's new in PEAR for and with PHP5.

The conference will take place as usual in May this year (exactly May 2-4). I'm pretty much looking forward to this event, since the International PHP Conferences are the most exciting meeting places for the PHP community in my eyes. A little abstract from the conference program:

  • "Design challenges of a high traffic PHP website" (by Jeremy Johnstone)

  • "PHP 5 - The Year After" (by Sebastian Bergmann)

  • "High Availability DB Connectivity Utilizing PHP OO Abstraction Layer" (by Jennifer Goodie)

  • "Dominating the World" (by Derick Rethans)

  • "Defending against Users" (by Derick Rethans)

  • "Component and event-driven architectures in PHP5" (by Stephan Schmidt)

  • "Dynamic Duo: Combining the powers of Flash and PHP" (by Christian Wenz and Tobias Hauser)

  • "Lies, damn lies and statistics - Making PEAR::Image_Graph work for you" (by Stefan Neufeind)

As usual there is an Early-Bird-Discount if you register until April 1st, so register now and save some money! :)