Cover image for post Wow! That was fast! New Planet PHP logo arrived!

Wow! That was fast! New Planet PHP logo arrived!

Colin Viebrock, the designer of made an amazing new logo for Planet PHP. His first draft corresponded nearly exactly to my own idea of a new, cool logo. 2 drafts later the new logo was finished. Extremely cool and extremely fast. Like the whole design, it's plain and really nice looking.

Thanks a lot, Colin!

Colins weblog entries concerning PHP get aggregated at Planet PHP since today.



wouldn't it have been better to wait some time, put all logos online and let either all users or a group of users vote for it?

I asked one of the designers at our company to do a logo for planet php and this takes some time.

I'll send you a first draft of the logo...


Stephan Schmidt at 2004-04-07