Cover photo for post PHP World Kongress 2004

PHP World Kongress 2004

As you may have read in my blog a few weeks ago, I will give a talk on PEAR and it's greatnesses at the PHP-World-Kongress (Part of the Internet-World-Kongress). Today they provided a bunch of "promotion tools" (a logo, a banner and some press text) to the speakers and I like the banner (although it is flash).

<object width="500" height="70" classid="CLSID:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"><param name="movie" value="/applications/blog/uploads/IW04PHPbanner02.swf"><embed src="/applications/blog/uploads/IW04PHPbanner02.swf" loop="true" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="70"></embed></object>

So, if you don't have tickets for the Internet-World, yet, take your feet and buy some. A full day of PHP talks is waiting, with interessting topics like

  • PHP 5 – Empowering the Web (by Zeev)

  • PHP für High-End-Anwendungen (by Stephan Schmidt)

  • Datenbank-Abstraktionslayer in PHP (by Lukas)

Most of them are (sadly) in german, as the organizers wanted it. Beside the PHP-World, the Internet-World-Kongress consits of the ISP World, which also covers some interessting talks and 3 days of congress and discussions.