This blog post has first been published in the Qafoo blog and is duplicated here since I wrote it or participated in writing it.
Cover image for post Confoo: Testing, Performance, Metrics and APIs

Confoo: Testing, Performance, Metrics and APIs

Kore and me are currently attending Confoo in Montreal (Canada), one of the largest and a really awesome conference on web technologies. With our talks, we shared some of the Qafoo knowledge on Building Testable PHP Applications, Continuous Performance Testing, Understand and use software metrics and Designing Beautiful APIs. Find our slides for download here.

Building Testable PHP Applications

Building Testable PHP ApplicationsBuilding Testable PHP Applications

Testability of source code is an important aspect of PHP software quality. In this talk I showed that testability is not only an issue if you go for unit testing, but that many other testing approaches also suffer from issues in this direction. Missing possibilities for fine grained replacement of dependencies leads to slow and inconsistent tests. Explaining three different best practices on how to avoid this issue on basis of practical code examples was my mission. Please don't forget to rate the talk on

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Continuous Performance Testing

Continuous Performance TestingContinuous Performance Testing

Measuring performance is typically done only when actual issues occur in this direction. But many projects suffer instantly from a lack of performance and require urgent fixes: If for example your shop software becomes slow, this can easily make you loose money. Kore therefore showed how to use the powerful Apache jMeter to create even complex performance tests for your full infrastructure and that you can even integrate the results into your Continuous Integration environment. If you saw the talk, please give him some feedback on

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Understand and use Software Metrics

Understand and use software metricsUnderstand and use software metrics

Software metrics can give you a deep insight into a projects software quality, like finding susceptible code fragments, approach automated testing and control complexity tendencies over time. But to use their powers, you first need to understand what the single metrics mean and how you can combine them to reach your goal. Kore presented on that topic and showed the most important software metrics. Feedback on is highly appreciated.

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Designing Beautiful APIs

Designing Beautiful APIsDesigning Beautiful APIs

Each and every class that you create basically provides an API to your project. But how can you create APIs that are fun to use, help you reach your goal more easily? How can you ensure your APIs stay adjustable and flexible for the future? I gave a talk on that topic and used a refactoring approach on basis of a bad API to illustrate the pitfalls and how to ship around them. Getting your feedback on for that talk would be awesome.

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